All Star Team MVP
Name:James Dahle
Blog: White Coat Investor
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Superpower: Major contributor to Bogleheads forum before it separated from Morningstar; mastermind of a growing entrepreneurial empire; prolific blogger; author; podcaster; annual WCI scholarships
Pleasure out of Proportion: Canyoneering and climbing, good gear, wakeboarding boat
Stats: worked through undergrad for total debt 8k; military scholarship for med school; millionaire by 37; blog income now exceeds clinical income
Blog Voice: Authoritative, opinionated
Archenemy: Whole Life Insurance Agents
[Note: Affiliation with Physician on FIRE as of March 2017]

Rookie of the Year
Name: ?
Blog: Physician on FIRE
Specialty: Anesthesia
Superpower: Omnipresent guest posts/comments on other blogs/forums; Generating income from blog in year one; 50% blog profits to charity via donor-advised fund; frugal bordering on Mustachian for a physician: bikes to work, annual living expenses ~$62k
Pleasure out of Proportion: Beer - partial owner of a brewery; vacation home
Stats: Financial Independence at age 39
Blog Voice: Genial, self-deprecating, many references to 1980s pop culture
Archenemy: None, although he’s earned the arch-envy of the entire medical profession
[Note: Affiliation with White Coat Investor as of March 2017]

Hall of Fame
Name: William Bernstein
Blog: Efficient Frontier
Specialty: Neurology
Superpower: Champion of low-cost, passive index investing; prolific author; grassroots hero for offering investing advice to the unwashed masses via his books; created Coward’s Portfolio
Pleasure out of Proportion: Mathematically testing portfolio theory, diversification via slice and dice, calculating benefits of rebalancing
Stats: Ultimate exit strategy from medicine: boutique advisory for individuals with > $25 million to invest
Blog Voice: Erudite, wry, passionate student (and author) of market history
Archenemy: Active mutual and hedge fund managers

In Memoriam
Name: Amanda Liu
Blog: Dr. Wise Money
Specialty: Radiology
Superpower: Single mother (isn’t that impressive enough!); worked through undergrad, med school and residency; charged tuition and living expenses to credit cards with 0% promotional APR, rode balance for interest free period (12-18 mo), then obtained student loan to pay balance, saving thousands in interest during med school
Pleasure out of Proportion: Her daughter, Mini Wise Money
Stats: Paid off student loans by intern year; contributed $23,500 post-tax dollars to her Roth IRA/Roth 403b on $53,000 PGY2 income!
Blog Voice: Enthusiastic, generous and eager to share her frugal savvy with others
Archenemy: Time - she unexpectedly passed away in November 2016. Her legacy: if a single mom can raise a daughter, support parents and a partner, run a profitable blog and contribute 44% of her income to retirement accounts as a PGY2, what in your life could possibly be so hard?