The FIRE has spread! Physician finance blogs began as a niche with a single dominant early presence (the White Coat Investor). Those days are long gone. Here are the docs in finance I follow:
- A Good Life MD is a radiation oncologist blogging on finance as well as the deeper question of what constitutes a "good life," a guiding philosophy for heart and wallet.
- Another Second Opinion is an emergency physician in SoCal leavening his financial lessons with humor as he prepares you to spend more time away from work.
- A Sustainable Medical Career Dr. Mo is a family practice trained urgent care doc practicing tele-medicine, which he plans to continue from Spain. Why didn't I think of that?
- B.C. Krygowski is the palliative care half of a dual doc couple who just took a massive pay cut to live higher quality lives. Could her experiment create a tipping point for others?
- Crispy Doc that's me! I'm an EM doc in LA whose financial literacy conversion experience took me from burnt out to FIRE'd up. I help newbies start strong, and crusty vets get out of ruts to find that lost mojo.
- Dads Dollars Debts is a California-based cardiologist blogging on finance before he lost his home in the Tubbs Fire. He's rebuilding a life and home from the ashes, allowing us to vicariously imagine if we'd handle such a crisis with comparable grace.
- Delayed Earner is a pulmonary/critical care fellow hacking his finances during training with moonlighting gigs.
- DiverseFIÂ Doc G is a beyond FI / concierge / hospice director / nursing home doc. He's a workaholic looking to smell more roses as he cuts back.
- Doc Of All Tradez is an anesthesiologist and self-proclaimed burnout survivor looking to help others avoid similar pitfalls.
- Doctor of Finance MDÂ Hatton1 is an OB/GYN with a ubiquitous presence in physician finance fora and blogs. She's in the enviable position of approaching finance as a retiring physician with a high net worth.
- Doctors on Debt is a dual doctor couple digging their way out of student debt while sharing lessons and victories. They informed me they aren't MDs/DOs; I'm giving them a pass for honesty.
- Dr. Cory S. Fawcett is a newly retired surgeon and personal finance author lecturing across the country to awaken physicians to financially responsible living.
- Dr. Linus MD is an emergency physician and MBA with some terrific negotiation tips certain to benefit the motivated newbie. He recently joined with an attorney partner to target high net worth dads. Look out for these Young Guns of finance.
- Dr. McFrugal is an anesthesiologist, new dad, vegetarian, Tesla driver and travel hacker with a touch of Hollywood lifestyle.
- Dr. Moneyblog is a Canadian doc and closet finance geek whose life of frugality and minimalism have yielded a maximalist net worth >$8 million loonies.
- Dr. Networth is another Canuck from Ontario with a Boglehead investing philosophy and real estate dabbling tendencies. Great post on grading your financial performance.
- Dr. Scrilla is a "broke ass resident" with a spouse, kid, and a negative $380k net worth. He's saving 25% of his salary as a resident. Well done, young grasshopper.
- Dr. Wise Money was a radiology resident and single mom who devised innovative hacks to finance her medical education. Her articles are worth learning from, even as her unexpected death left us wanting more.
- Fifteen Minute Financial Fitness is a surgical pathologist who recently emerged from the dark to offer brief actionable posts to bring you closer to FI.
- Financially Free MD is part of a Canadian dual physician household motivated to share his financial knowledge and, sweetly, to leave a blueprint for his family in case of his untimely demise. Great origin story on assessing risk tolerance.
- First Habit is an academic radiologist whose secret sauce for FI is cultivating positive habits (and ditching the liabilities) to pave the way to financial success.
- Foreign Born MD is an internist living in Oregon who took a frugal road to the American dream. She's also a female primary breadwinner and IMG.
- Future Proof MD is an (almost) interventional radiologist who first studied and blogged on personal finance as a resident, confirming my bias that radiologists really are savvier than the rest of us.
- Happy Philosopher is a job-sharing radiologist whose struggles with burnout, mindfulness and simplicity attract a crowd beyond medicine.
- Investing Doc is an internist in Texas from humble origins who learned to budget and is working his way to FI.
- Keeping Up With The Darkos is a FI-oriented blog run by the social media powerhouse Drs. Darko documenting their victory against $800k in debt. (The male Dr. D, a trauma surgeon, also hosts the popular Docs Outside The Box podcast.)
- Kevin MD is the exit strategy that happens when a social media savvy doc jumps into a wild west online space early. Many doc finance bloggers guest post here.
- Life Of FI MD is an unabashed evangelist for getting physicians to adopt FI as a central goal to support a broader life philosophy of balance.
- Live Free MD is a sports medicine doc who dug out from under $400k of debt. He lives lean but intentionally with laser-focus on his goal of early FI.
- Loonie Doctor is an irreverent, hilarious academic Canadian critical care doc who writes from the "mosh pit" of medicine to make you a full financial code.
- Med School Financial is a preventive medicine doc's attempt to help you avoid financial mistakes through early intervention.
- Military Millions is co-written by an active service physician and is dedicated to helping our men and women in uniform master their finances.
- Millionaire Doc is a private practice physician with an audacious goal to reach a $20 million net worth.
- Miss Bonnie MD is a dermatologist profiling financially successful female physicians with a mission to increase financial literacy for women in medicine.
- My Curiosity Lab is a radiologist married to a pediatrician whose intellect and endearing candor are notable. Trying to save for and figure out his Second Act.
- Nisha Mehta MD is a radiologist who blogs and speaks on physician wellness and work-life balance.
- OB Doctor Mom left medicine after a health scare. She explores financial and ethical dimensions of early retirement for physicians, dissecting what we owe and to whom.
- Passive Income MD is an anesthesiologist and the latest addition to the WCI empire. His passive income streams support a 200k/yr lifestyle in LA - wow.
- Pediatrician Finds Financial Independence chronicles a new dad with a kid in a HCOL area slaying debt to achieve FI over 15 years.
- Physician On Fire is an anesthesiologist, brewer, WCI empire member, founder of the Physicians on Fire facebook group and ubiquitous FI ambassador on the cusp of leaving medicine in his early 40s.
- Physician Philosopher is an anesthesiologist paying it forward by helping younger docs learn financial lessons early, using his path to FI as a case study.
- Physician REI is a real-estate oriented blog with a physician angle, helping docs with deep pockets learn to landlord.
- Rogue Dad MD is an academic in Peds EM who has published on physician financial illiteracy. His blog is delightfully wide-ranging in scope. Ask about his son and the tooth fairy.
- Senior Resident is a radiologist married to a psychiatrist, living in Hawaii and blogging on investing and medical school debt among other topics.
- Side Hustle Scrubs is an east coast EM doc adopting a "see hustle, do hustle, teach hustle" approach to physician side gigs and nontraditional career opportunities.
- Smart Money MD is an ophthalmologist who sees right through your deficient medical education, bringing you up to speed on the psychology and logistics of personal finance.
- Some Random Guy Online is an emergency physician in San Francisco who killed $400k of debt and is aiming for FI despite his geography. My vote for best blogger name ever.
- Son Of A Doctor is actually plural! AÂ maternal-fetal medicine OB married to an attorney/investment advisor, they cover what you need to know to thrive financially.
- Stealth Wealth MD is a radiologist and FIRE enthusiast who recently joined the fray. I'm looking forward to his contributions to the dialogue.
- Thrifty Surgeon is another newcomer, a DO about to start fellowship who is married with 3 kids. You'll find him cutting his own hair or your appendix depending on the day.
- Wall Street Physician is a precocious radiation oncology resident(!) whose past as a trader at an investment bank lends a uniquely authoritative perspective on finance. What took the rest of us years, he and Future Proof MD pulled off as residents!
- Wealthy Doc went from dirt poor to FI and lends his MD/MBA perspective as a bootstrapper with street cred.
- White Coat Investor (WCI) is an emergency physician, entrepreneur, prolific Boglehead, and undisputed pioneer of physician personal finance. The blog that launched a thousand blogs. If I dropped words like "juggernaut," which I don't, this is where I might use them.
- Xrayvsn is a radiologist in the southeast who started his blog last month. One to watch.
This list is limited to blogs written by MDs or DOs devoting significant content to physician personal finance. There are numerous physician blogs dedicated to wellness, burnout prevention, health and fitness, and journaling. For a list including these non-financially oriented blogs, check out Physician on Fire's blogroll.
There are also excellent podcasts (are your ears burning, Dr. Carrie Reynolds of Hippocratic Hustle?) which are are pertinent but not primarily blogs. I am interested in assembling a similar list of physician finance podcasts by physicians -Â kindly leave suggestions in the comments section.
There are also veteran commenters in the physician finance blogosphere who are known and respected in the community who have written occasional guest posts but have yet to start independent blogs. Gasem, Vagabond MD, Zaphod and others, just let me know when you follow Hatton1's lead and I'd proudly add you to this list.
If I missed a blog or incorrectly characterized yours, let me know in the comments and I'll make it right.
Finally, I recognize the bias to North American bloggers. I welcome suggestions of docs in finance on other continents.
Comments 50
Technically, there was one physician financial blog (Wealthy Doc) when I started, although I didn’t know about it. However, the truth of the matter is that I had been doing something very similar for 6+ years before starting WCI on internet forums like Bogleheads and SDN, so I wasn’t truly starting from scratch; I was a known entity.
There have also been a half dozen more than have come and gone since I started unfortunately. You’ve included some (like Amanda Liu’s [RIP] Dr. Wise Money, but not all. I’m not sure I can even remember what a few of them were called.
Great list though! Hard to keep track of them all sometimes.
You had a huge presence on the Bogleheads forum, Jim, to the point that it’s hard to believe you were married, with kids, in residency and serving in the military over that period. Any one of those commitments would have been reason enough to pull you away from the online fora.
I also didn’t count Bernstein’s Efficient Frontier site (although it is listed in my blogroll) since he’s in a class all his own, but his entries date from 1996-2012, from the era of floppy disks!
While I enjoy Wealthy Doc’s site, there may have been contemporaries, but there were no equals.
Thanks for the mention and credit guys.
I did start my website/blog mainly as a good source to direct my residents to for personal finance/investing. Although I definitely saw the business potential, I focused on building my clinical practices.
WCI definitely deserves the credit for the expanding physician finance blogging and particularly in executing it as a business. My blog had good content but I had few readers and no time, energy, or interest to build the enterprise that Dr. Dahle has created.
While WCI is an exceptional entrepreneur by all measures, there is plenty of room for different voices. Paying it forward by teaching the youngsters is a driving force for many of us, both in academic and community medicine.
I’ve enjoyed and learned from your blog over the years, and if it nourishes you in ways that complement your life in medicine, that’s the ultimate mark of success. In the end, it’s about how your rate the experience according to your internal scorecard.
You’ll always have pride of place as one of the original gangsters of docs in finance…
Whoda thunk there’d be so much ingesting stuff to say! Thx CD for the heads up.
Wow, that is a very impressive list and thank you for including me in it. I wasn’t aware of some of these sites and now definitely have to check them out.
As the new kid on the block, you are already starting strong. Look forward to hearing what you have to say in the years to come!
Thanks for stopping by,
Nice list crispydoc. I might have to update my blogroll.
It took some serious scouring, but it’s good to see how many of us getting the word out these days.
Wow, that’s an impressive list and great summaries of each blog to help us understand the message of each. very valuable info. Also, thanks for including me on the list!
Feel lucky to call you a part of our little finance geek community. I have always enjoyed your writing on how to prioritize balance and life over work demands – your contribution reaches far beyond the wallet to the heart.
Thanks for the mention! Great list!
Doc G,
I’m not alone in being impressed by your workaholic posting schedule and the way you’ve thrown yourself into your blog. You are a great example of what my wife and I endearingly term “pathology with utility,” where you can’t help but compulsively do your best work regardless of the endeavor, even one intended to relax you. Grateful you’ve channeled it into something we all benefit from. If only I had your stamina…
Great List!!
I might just refer people to this site from my Blogroll page rather than recreate my own.
Can you update the link to my site? –
I ended up partnering with a lawyer friend who specializes in tax planning so we re-branded
Dr. Linus
Dr. Linus,
Happy to do oblige. I think the site you wrote was missing an “s” so I took the liberty of appending it to match your email address. I’ll be interested in seeing how your doctor-lawyer alliance plays out, sounds very innovative. Glad to serve as a shared blogroll. I’ve duplicated this post as part of my main menu for convenience going forward.
I started a Twitter List of Physicians PF bloggers that will be good to keep track of everyone.
Terrific idea.
Thanks for the inclusion. Lots of great sites. Now on to teach the masses!
Thanks for the shout out!
Thanks Carlos
I honestly had no idea there were so many. I’ve always been bad at medicine eponyms so I’m not surprised I’m bad with all these code names! But I’m honored to be included on the list along with so many people whose content I’ve enjoyed. Thanks crispy doc!
It’s exciting to see the tide turning in favor of physician financial literacy and well-being, which I tend to believe are complementary sides of the same coin. Thanks for doing the important work to lead our colleagues to more balanced lives at home and in the hospital/clinic.
Nice work compiling this list and thanks for including me! Now when are you organizing a get-together?
How about finding time for a Docs In Finance dinner at FINCON 18? It could be our version of, “This one time, at band camp…” but less vulgar. Are you going?
I’m all in for a “Docs in Finance” dinner at FinCon18. I’ll be going and I’m pretty stoked to meet up with you all.
It looks like there was a doc meet up last year and so I’m sure it’ll happen again. 😀
Hey! Thanks for the mention! Great to see that there are so many docs writing about money. As docs, we need make our money work for us. We’ve learned a lot from other docs and hope that we are teaching even more out there. Thanks for this list!
Honored to have you stop by, and appreciate the work you are doing to wake us up!
Thank you for including me in this list. I am enjoying my re-invention as a physician-blogger. I tried to do a similar list when I first started my blog but quickly became over-whelmed. I think I will link to this list instead. For years I thought I was the only one interested in these topics so it is really great to have a community.
You are a known and respected quantity to most of us in the community, so it’s great to see you anthologize your thoughts for our convenience since before we had to comb through interviews and comments to hear what you had to say. The numbers are pretty crazy, but like any tipping point, hopefully it means that those days of maxims like “A doc and his/her money are easily parted,” are on their way out. Happy to be your link to the docs in finance roster.
Your blog list inspired me to put this on the WCI forum with my novel idea 🙂
Interesting approach to monetizing via Battle of the Blogs! Reminds me a little of Rockstar Finance’s Rockstar Rumble contest…
By the way, if you haven’t joined the Rockstar forum, I’d highly recommend it – great intro to other personal finance bloggers and the community as a whole.
Thanks for the inclusion Crispy Doc! Glad to hear someone finds me funny. My wife just smirks and shakes her head while my kids just groan. I have been learning, enjoying, and having some good chuckles from your posts.
Thrilled to have you in the troop of misfits! I take refuge in irreverence – thanks for offering me frequent shelter from the storm.
My wife has a similar take on my writing. I’m convinced the later at night it gets, the funnier I become, so I assume you are reading exclusively in the wee hours.
I’ve been referring Canadian family and friends (said indignantly: Some of my best friends are Canadian!) your way, only to find that they’d already found you independently, so you’re clearly doing something right.
Appreciate your stopping by,
Just wanted to let you know you were featured in my grand rounds blog:
Honored to be in such good company, thank you. I’ve added Fifteen Minute Financial Fitness to my list of docs in finance – nice pick up!
Thanks for the shout out! I appreciate the mention.
Really is a great list!
This is an amazing list and I feel honored to be included. Thank you so much! And btw, you are totally spot on with my description. In fact, it’s way better than the description of myself on my About me page. Thanks again 🙂
As a soy-milk drinking, day-hiking, self hair-cutting, kayak-paddling used Kia driver, I know what it is to embrace your eccentricity and enjoy being comfortable in your skin. That’s why I love seeing others who can be so unapologetically idiosyncratic. Happy to have you in the club.
Thanks for the mention! That’s quite a list!
Agreed, but you carry disproportionate weight on that list, as it’s a bit of a sausage party at present. I hope in a few year’s time the list becomes more representative of docs as a whole. In the meantime your series on interviews with real women physicians demonstrating the variations in responsibly managing money as high earners is a great resource.
Leaving a comment for the sole purpose of not being the only doc on the list to not leave a comment.
Candor is one of your most endearing qualities. Along with all the other ones.
If you’re looking for a military physician blog, check out mine at
Happy to add you to the list, thanks for stopping by! Apologies for the oversight – could not tell from your about me page of your physician origins.
Thanks for the great list, Crispy Doc.
Clearly the radiologist is to the physician finance blog community what the software engineer is to the FIRE blog community (anesthesia and EM close behind). I couldn’t believe there is only one dermatologist, although I may have missed some since specialty was not always included in the description. This means more props to Miss Bonnie MD. I’m particularly grateful to her and Dr. Reynolds for the Hippocratic Hustle. The podcast universe feels so overwhelmingly white and male at times, so this is always a breath of fresh air. I hope I’m not their only white male listener!
Keep up all the great work, everyone. Thanks for all you do.
Sounds like perhaps you’d be more appropriately known as “NotYETAPhysicianBlogger.” I agree that Carrie and Bonnie lend a much-needed fresh perspective, although if you also consider Nisha Mehta (technically blogging on physician wellness but with a healthy financial lens), Doctor of Finance MD (also known as Hatton1 to her fans from before her blogging days) and OB Doctor Mom, there are some strong and wonderful female voices in the docs in finance space.
I agree that our dermatology colleagues are underrepresented (as are surgeons and primary care physicians), which leads one to speculate – are they underrepresented because they are just feeling beat down by the job?
Emergency and anesthesia provide shift work and protected off hours, which make running a blog more feasible. Radiologists are just amazing for their presence out of proportion – I’ve drawn a blank as to theories on why.
Thanks for the encouragement, that’s what keeps the vast majority of us going (my hourly rate is about a quarter based on time spent on my blog, although I do hope to change that down the line).
Thanks for mentioning some of the other prominent female voices. I hope the numbers keep growing.
As for derms being underrepresented, I suppose it’s not quite true since they’re only ~1% of physicians, making them technically overrepresented on this list. The numbers just pales in comparison to the more shift oriented fields. I think your theory holds true for radiology as well. I’ve seen some jaw dropping amounts of free time built into radiology contracts.
Regardless, the more information and viewpoints available the merrier.
Thanks for mentioning us!
This is a great list you’ve compiled here; awesome job!
In the interest of full disclosure, and to make sure that your hard work is as accurate as possible, it bears mentioning: We at Doctors On Debt have never actually said we are MD’s or DO’s.
We’ve tried really hard to state explicitly in several of our posts that we are not MD’s, but other “Medical Professionals” who both graduated from accredited healthcare programs in our respective fields and both have the word “Doctor” in front of our names. If one reads between the lines, it wouldn’t be hard to make some educated guesses about what kind of “Doctors” we are.
Our desire to maintain some anonymity with our brand has had the unintended consequence of not making it clear to all of our readers what type of medicine we practice. Many have assumed – probably rightfully so – that we are MD’s. This was never our intention.
We are certain that in the near future we will reveal more about our practices, but until then we thought the clarification here was necessary.
Thanks again!
My brother, in elementary school, used to drive us crazy by laughing himself silly with the joke:
“When you assume, you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me!”
Turns out he was right.
It was my mistake, but I’m grateful you were up front about letting me know. Honesty for the win. I’ll leave your name on the blogroll, with an explanation.
We appreciate it! Post coming soon that will reveal our credentials.
Great stuff you have going on here.