Forty Year Reunion

crispydocUncategorized Leave a Comment

One of the best parts of elementary school was enjoying a crush on my teacher. In fifth and sixth grade, I was fortunate to be assigned to the same dynamo of a woman. Ms. S was vivacious, creative, engaging, and funny – it was puppy love. She had us teach one another contemporary songs to get comfortable with public speaking. …

Father’s Day

crispydocUncategorized Leave a Comment

Despite having left clinical medicine a couple of years ago, I remain an ER doc at heart. What this means is that I seldom get sentimental on specific holidays. I’ve had to work a lot of them over the years, which generally shields me from nostalgia over missed greeting card brunches and the like. Why did this particular Father’s Day …

Drifting And Staying Afloat

crispydocUncategorized Leave a Comment

I rise earlier than everyone in the family, and I cherish that quiet time for a bike ride through coastal fog, a cup of coffee in solitude and time to immerse myself in the latest New Yorker (on days when I am off). It may epitomize a formerly dormant antisocial quality. I’ve always valued my quiet time, my ideal day …

Any Pretext For Adventure

crispydocUncategorized Leave a Comment

Yesterday a friend and I took a trip to an unlikely natural landscape that was hiding just miles from suits and skyscrapers: We went brown water rafting in the LA river. Yes, LA has a river. No, the water isn’t really brown, although it is plenty sketchy. A couple of decades as an emergency physician have disrupted my circadian rhythms …