In our second installment, we explored variables within Dr. PBO’s control that might reduce the unpleasant aspects of his job. Assuming he has adjusted those within his control, let’s talk about he might go about becoming (apologies to Seinfeld fans) a master outside his domain. Dr. PBO’s scenario already has one great advantage: he is a business owner, an increasingly …
Primary Care Business Owner Wants To Cut Back (2 of 3)
In our first installment, we determined that Dr. PBO’s journey to Financial Independence (FI) needs to begin with an assessment of his starting point, his destination, and consideration of the vehicles he intends to use to arrive at FI. Variables Largely Within Your Control It can be surprising to realize that despite feeling stuck, many of the variables to improve …
Primary Care Business Owner Wants To Cut Back (1 of 3)
If you read through my list of physician finance bloggers, you’ll note that shift-based specialists like anesthesiologists, radiologists and emergency physicians are over-represented. Where are the primary care physicians? They do not blog in proportion to the half of the physician work force they comprise, leaving a vacuum of first person testimony as to how such clinicians might cut back …
Free Medical Advice For Family: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
I come from a driven immigrant family. During a recent podcast interview with the ever-gracious Dr. Nii Darko, we discussed the pressures we felt with being the first generation raised in our families’ adopted country, and the responsibility we inherited to realize our parents’ dreams of success. Our professional careers, for better or worse, commonly become the validation our parents …
My Life Partner
The following post comes courtesy of Vagabond MD, a radiologist who cut back who is a friend and much revered guest-poster on this blog and many others. In it he addresses the (possibly vanishing) culture of his single-hospital democratic group (SDG), a physician-owned partnership that was historically the basic unit of medical practice. It has recently been replaced en masse …
Docs Who Cut Back #21: Doc G
Doc G in an internist best known for his prodigious writing via his blog, DiverseFI, as well as being one half of the dynamic duo behind the What’s Up Next? podcast. We met at Fin Con 18, and I was not the only person struck by his gift with words. The details of how Doc G build his home-based concierge …
Golden Rules For Living In The Golden State
I describe myself as an unrepentant Californian. I grew up hiking along coastal foothills and spent my youth learning respect for the Pacific Ocean. I’m at my happiest sporting shorts and sandals. When I wanted to impress girls in high school, I’d wear my good flannel (that was really a thing). I love it here. When you live in Eden, …
The Doctor Salary Is A Drug: Potential For Abuse
My sense of gallows humor, honed over decades of emergency medicine, is bound to infuse my writing. I hope it will not be mistaken for making light of substance abuse or the pain it causes individuals and families. As a common final pathway for many in crisis, the ED at best serves as an inflection point and support for those …
The Doctor Salary Is A Drug: Pharmacokinetics
I awoke this morning inspired to describe the interesting and unusual pharmacokinetics of a drug I have deep experience both using and abusing: the doctor salary. Absorption Doctor salaries have a delayed onset from the time of initial ingestion. 4 years of university education plus 4 years of medical school plus 3-7 years of residency creates a situation rarely encountered …
Last Week Was My Allotment of Warhol’s 15 Minutes Of Fame
July started with a bang, and I thought I’d share it with those few of you who read the blog despite not sharing DNA with me. It was a weird “moons lined up with Jupiter” sort of situation where several of my invisible friends through blogging bestowed kindnesses that happened to occur in roughly the same one week period. For …