I was fortunate to live in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1990s. As a product of Stanford and UCSF, and later an intern at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, I was a witness to the dot com revolution (and the subsequent dot com bubble) that swept the nation. Revenge of the NerdsOn the Stanford campus, the Yahoo guys …
Daddy Day Care
My wife was fulfilling her filial obligations last weekend by helping out her folks, which left me in the enviable position of heading up daddy day care for 24 hours. Because my wife is able to adapt her work schedule to the hours when the kids are out of the house, she is the logistician who keeps the household from …
Are you a Dirtbag Millionaire?*
A thoroughly enjoyable post from Eat the Financial Elephant recently introduced me to the concept of the Dirtbag Millionaire. This is a rare hybrid of two usually distinct personality types: the “dirtbag” being a necessarily frugal lover of the outdoors who maximizes time spent on passion pursuits (ski bum, river guide, etc) while working the bare minimum to survive, often …
How We Are Screwing Up Our Kids
My wife and I had kids in our late thirties/early forties. The pros: we were more financially secure than the fresh college grads we met at preschool drop off. The cons: we’d had incredibly fun lives involving international travel, intellectual conversations with stimulating adult friends, and enjoying things entirely on our terms, so we had a sense of what we …
The Epidemic No One is Talking About
There’s an epidemic in the U.S. that jeopardizes the future of our children more than obesity; is more toxic than the drinking water in Flint, Michigan; grows more insidiously than cancer. I witness countless patients suffering the consequences.of this epidemic daily, and it has even claimed several of my own family members. It is an epidemic lack of insight. It …
Too Soon?
As I sit here cleaning saliva from my ear, I begin to doubt the wisdom of teaching a first grader (however precocious) how to give a wet willie.
The Man in the Lime Green Suit
As an emergency medicine resident at UCLA, I was always intrigued by the Man in the Lime Green Suit (MLGS). A retired physician in his 80s, MLGS spent his days circulating among resident teaching conferences at several different academic hospitals, always elegantly appointed in the clothes that time forgot. There were endearing moments (the time he leaned over during a …
Docs in Finance Trading Cards
All Star Team MVPName:James DahleBlog: White Coat InvestorSpecialty: Emergency MedicineSuperpower: Major contributor to Bogleheads forum before it separated from Morningstar; mastermind of a growing entrepreneurial empire; prolific blogger; author; podcaster; annual WCI scholarshipsPleasure out of Proportion: Canyoneering and climbing, good gear, wakeboarding boatStats: worked through undergrad for total debt 8k; military scholarship for med school; millionaire by 37; blog income …
I Shall Call Him Mini-Me
Something exciting is happening in the world of physician financial independence blogs. A major disruption that might, in retrospect, be entrepreneurial genius. The White Coat Investor has formed an alliance with Physician on FIRE and purchased a stake (along with his business manager) in the latter’s website. Why does this matter? Why should you care? Why, in a cynical world …
Vanguard Financial Advisor Experience
A couple of months ago, I agreed to a phone call with my Personal Capital advisor. I’m a huge fan of their free software, which breaks down asset allocation, investment fees, and expenses. I had a list of questions ready for the advisor, and was excited to get some feedback on my asset allocation. I was very candid about being …