Freshman year at Stanford had been a humbling experience. Everyone around me, it seemed, was smarter, more experienced, more accomplished than I was. Shawn Green was a personable guy in my dorm – and the only frosh I knew getting a $725,000 signing bonus as a first-round draft pick for the Toronto Blue Jays. Our dorm also claimed the new …
Adapt Your Medical Career To Your Life Needs
I had just turned 40, and was leading a busy life that might resonate with your own: a full-time job in community practice, marriage and fatherhood. Since I didn’t want to take time away from my wife or kids, self-replenishing (i.e., pleasure out of proportion) pursuits suffered. A writing group I’d started in internship began to founder because the handful …
Top 10 Life Hacks I Wish I’d Cultivated In Training
You’re a busy person, you want only the essentials: what can you do today (as a med student or resident) to make your life better tomorrow? Following is a basic tool kit with immediately actionable items, to be elaborated in later posts. Reduce expenses. Optimize housing, transportation and food. Dine in. Buy staples in bulk. Brew your own coffee. Get …
Does The Future Frighten You?
Last night, in a mood of playful optimism, I asked my wife what she thought the next decade might bring our way. She remained elusive, and qualified her non-answer with her own version of of the spit-over-your-shoulder superstitions that my grandmother (who believed in witches) might have engaged in when I was a child. I tried to explore the source …
Breaking Up With My Financial Advisor
Financial Ignorance, The Great Equalizer (3 Of 3)Ignorance Becomes UnaffordableFast forward a decade. After my physician group institutes some changes that significantly improve our collective lifestyles, my work-life balance is restored and I am reading voraciously once again. In February 2016, an article in The New Yorker profiles Mr. Money Mustache. He and his wife, both software engineers, spent 10 …
The World’s Most Expensive Bottle Opener
Financial Ignorance, The Great Equalizer (2 Of 3)Getting a Financial AdvisorIn 2005, I finished a two year fellowship in Boston; fell goofy in love with another physician; renounced the academic trajectory I’d been on; relocated with my girlfriend to a beach town in southern California; and accepted a job at a well-regarded community hospital. I had 80k in tax-sheltered accounts …
A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted*
Financial Ignorance, The Great Equalizer (1 of 3)Financial ignorance makes no distinctions. Perhaps you were raised by doting, professional parents in a luxury home with a generous parental allowance that shielded you from ever having to think about money. Or conversely, like Jeremy at Go Curry Cracker, your single parent household was in sink or swim mode financially and your …
Welcome to Crispy Doc
Whether you’re a physician fresh out of residency, or a medical student starting the journey, I’m going to make you feel uncomfortable. The productive kind of discomfort, where intense reflection leads you to adapt and thrive. First, consider priorities you care about deeply – your family or partner, your friends, your spiritual community and personal opportunities to do good for …