Are You A Doc Who Cut Back? Would You Share Your Story?

crispydocUncategorized 23 Comments

I’m starting a series on Docs Who Cut Back, and I’d love to share your story if you have the time and inclination. The therapeutic window of a drug tends to describe the range of doses in which it has the desired clinical effect. Too little and you lose the benefit you sought. Too much and you might die. Medicine …

Let Us Now Praise Superheroes Without Capes

crispydocUncategorized 10 Comments

Physicians frequently get the choice roles in prime time television (if that’s even a thing any more in the era of Netflix), so it’s easy to forget that working in the Emergency Department is a team sport, where emergency nurses comprise the front line. One of our docs put up a saying in the doctor’s lounge long ago: ER doctors …

Ultra-Planner Going To Take It One Day At A Time

crispydocplanning ahead, Uncategorized 5 Comments

Leif (better known as Physician on Fire), is a genuinely down to earth person, the type that gives Minnesotans their well-deserved  reputation. Mostly aw shucks wholesome Fargo, with just enough mischief to remind you his state also gave the world the artist formerly known as Prince. I met PoF for the first time at FinCon, and saw him answer the …

Fin. Con. 18

crispydocUncategorized 15 Comments

Fin. In Spanish it means the end. Con. In Spanish it means together. Many finer writers have gone into comprehensive reviews over the fellow bloggers they met, the internet famous superheroes they ogled and adored, and the lessons learned for their digital businesses. I’m going eschew the comprehensive approach. Here, then, are a few hyper-specific FinCon moments that captured the …

FU Space

crispydocUncategorized 16 Comments

Those of us in the FI community are extremely familiar with the concept of FU money, the acquisition of funds sufficient that we are empowered to say no: to unwanted work, to aggravations, to servitude. I’d like to introduce a tangentially related the concept: FU space. Let’s define the concept as the ability to say no to the company of …

A Priority We Pursue vs. A Luxury We Can Uniquely Afford

crispydocUncategorized 12 Comments

Pursuing financial independence, especially as a physician, can inadvertently bring about feelings of resentment from colleagues. Taking cues from bloggers far smarter and more experienced than I am, I’ve learned not to bring up the subject of finances around co-workers, although if asked I’ll volunteer that I geeked out on finance a few years back and took over managing our …

My Breakdown Of Rainbows And Unicorns

crispydocUncategorized 16 Comments

My rationale for pursuing financial independence and reducing my clinical load (almost typed cynical load – what do you make of it, Dr. Freud?) has been largely to have more time for my family. I now realize this might be mistaken by readers to suggest that my family time is in some way more tolerable than theirs; that my children …

Packing List For FinCon18

crispydocUncategorized 10 Comments

I may not sting like a bee, but I pride myself on my ability to float like a butterfly. That has less to do with my verbal adroitness or boxing skills than my ability to travel carry on and the pleasure out of proportion I take in packing light. FinCon18 will be my first finance blogger convention (I feel like …

Martyrdom In Medicine

crispydocUncategorized 16 Comments

I recently called every member of my physician group as part of an effort to incorporate feedback on a group policy I was trying to develop. I’m fortunate to work with folks I truly respect and admire, who collaborate and frequently ask one another to opine in challenging cases. In that spirit, I sought advice and suggestions from folks who …

One Less Excuse

crispydocUncategorized 3 Comments

Catching up on post from the excellent blog of Dr. Networth, I was pleased to discover an introduction to another fine Canuck from Ontario, Dr. Matt Poyner. Matt’s a fellow emergency physician, so I already feel we share some DNA. A year ago Matt had every reason to live a typical doctor life: home ownership, four young sons ages 7-11 …