The “Low Income” Physician

crispydocUncategorized 12 Comments

A recent comment from a colleague in pediatrics began with the qualification, “I am a low-income physician…” As an amateur bird watcher, I take joy in the picturesque names that come with this hobby. Resplendent quetzal is a favorite; another is a Cuban term for a tiny hummingbird, pajaro mosca, which translates roughly to housefly bird. Low-income physician seems a …

Look Ma, I Have A Guest Post On Freedom Is Groovy!

crispydocUncategorized 2 Comments

I believe it was the ancient Greek philosopher Whodini who famously posited: Friends – how many of us have them? My greatest return on investment to date as a finance blogger has been developing friendships within the finance freaks-and-geeks diaspora. When two or more consenting adult bloggers like each other very much, the big famous household name blogger offers to …

Must Be Nice

crispydocUncategorized 5 Comments

A few years ago, our daughter befriended a girl who spoke no English. The girl’s father, a Michelin-rated chef from Tuscany, had been recruited to run a high concept Italian restaurant in LA. For the record, at the restaurants I frequent, Michelin means tires, not food. My daughter’s first language is Spanish, which was similar enough to Italian that the …

Why Mexico City Is My Paris

crispydocUncategorized 13 Comments

Imagine I told you about a country bordering ours where innocents are killed regularly, guns are everywhere, and life is cheap. Imagine everything you read in the press supported those notions. Now imagine that you are a Mexican national and the place I was telling you about was LA or Chicago or Miami. There’s no way you’d vacation there. Kind …

The Day Everything Changed

crispydocUncategorized 8 Comments

Yesterday, despite your not having felt it, a seismic shift occurred in medical school tuition. It was not my Californian bona fides as a resident of the earthquake state that put me in touch with this new reality. Rather, NYU announced that medical school tuition would henceforth be completely free for all NYU medical students. In an era where $200,000 …

What’s In The Sauce?

crispydocUncategorized 9 Comments

After being a long-time fan of their eponymous blog, Freedom Is Groovy, I was caught off guard when Mrs. Groovy reached out with an offer for me to write a guest post on a topic of my choosing. The offer appeared out of thin air and for no particular reason, which experience has taught me is how some of the …

Announcing PhysCon18 at FinCon18!

crispydocUncategorized 11 Comments

There are now more physician finance bloggers than states in the union, and they’ve created a wonderful community. I’ve enjoyed the encouragement and camaraderie of other docs in finance that my wife has teasingly termed my “invisible friends.” FinCon18 (like Band Camp but for blogging finance geeks) will offer those of us in attendance the rare opportunity to meet in …

What Kids Really Want From Us

crispydocUncategorized 14 Comments

I was recently listening to the excellent This American Life podcast, and came across a story that struck a chord. A divorced father unexpectedly gained custody of his nine-year-old daughter during weekdays, and was bothered by the intrusiveness of her unending questions when he was trying to accomplish tasks in the evenings. Trying to put an end to the interruptions, …

Kids and Food Waste, or Like Hell You Aren’t Eating That Burrito

crispydocUncategorized 6 Comments

I had a challenging moment after our flight home from Mexico City last night. It had to do with a burrito we’d lugged home over 1500 miles and across two time zones. On this latest trip, we’d spent a week each in Oaxaca and Mexico City. We deliberately made this a slow travel trip, enjoying late breakfasts in our Airbnb, …

Building A Vanguard 3 Fund Portfolio

crispydocUncategorized 2 Comments

Today’s guest post is a favorite by the Wall Street Physician, a radiation oncologist and fellow physician finance blogger whose prior experience as a trader at an investment bank has created a loyal following of docs that respect and admire his advice. If you enjoy this post, please head over to his website and dive into his recent writing! Take …